Fruits and vegetables
Fresh produce is a perishable product group that spoils quickly, necessitating a rapid response. Would you like your fruit and vegetables tested for significant contamination and chemicals? TLR recommends that fruit and vegetable samples should be analysed within 24 to 48 hours.
In addition to chemical analyses, TLR can also quickly determine microbiological quality and safety, as well as the presence of mycotoxins. Poor manual hygiene and contaminated rinse water are common causes of microbiological contamination in fruit and vegetables. Enteropathogenic E. coli is also sometimes found in fruit and vegetables. TLR is accredited (L059) to detect its presence. Viruses can survive in the wax layer used to encase certain types of fruit. When analysing these products, TLR can detect the presence of e.g. the norovirus and hepatitis A. It goes without saying that maximum reliability is absolutely required for an analysis laboratory like TLR. With the wide range of analyses we offer, we support companies in their operations according to quality standards like QS, GlobalGap, IFS and BRC.
TLR is ISO 17025-accredited (L059) by the Dutch Council for Accreditation, QS-certified and approved by GLOBALGAP, SKAL, GMP+, VLOG, FOSFA, FEDIOL.
In this way we help your organisation to comply with (international) guidelines, such as mentioned.
Organic analyses
- Pesticides
- Dithiocarbamates
- Ethephon
- Chloormequat
- Mycotoxines
Nutritional value
- Protein
- Moisture
- Fat
- Carbohydrates
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Aeroob plate count
- Water activity
- Lactic acid bacateria
- Yeast
- Moulds
- Coliforms
- Enterococcen
- Enterobacteriaceae
- Salmonella
- Listeria monocytogenes
- Norovirus
- Hepatitis A
In-organic analyses
- Heavy metals
- Nitrate & Nitrite
Why have your analyses carried out at TLR?
- Fast lead times for analyses on your products
- 24/7 view research results via real-time web application
- Global network: independent research worldwide
- State-of-the-art instruments for exact analysis
- All analyses performed at one location in Riddekerk
Would you like to have a fruit and vegetables analysis carried out by TLR? Request a free quote or contact us for more information.
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